The Leadership of One

The Leadership of One

  • Author Karla Brandau
  • Product Code: ESDB022
  • Availability: In Stock

People don’t want to be managed, they want to be led. Before you can lead, you must first lead yourself. This book guides you through management mine fields and expands your mindset from management to leadership. It teaches you the exceptional principles of discretionary effort leadership and how to become the leader people WANT to follow, not grudgingly HAVE to follow because of your position on the organization chart. 

An exceptional part of the book is its emphasis on the human experience in organizations and how a great leader can improve the employee experience. You are taught how to recognize the innate gifts an employee brings to the team and then focusing on how to help that employee grow professionally using his inherent talents. 

By exemplifying the leadership of one, you are modeling discretionary effort and engagement. As employees observe you, they model your positive traits. This focus on touch points between you and the employee leads to personalized customer service, innovation in the marketplace and amazing productivity.

ADDED BONUS: Tips on how you can be a leader no matter what your title is. Read the book and learn about the Leadership of One. Join an online coaching and mentoring program at .

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